Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My cute butterflies for Halloween, I had a monkey too, but those pics are on my new camera. I'll get those on soon enough :)
Pickin' pumpkins at Jays, where the heck was everyone this year?

Gettin' ready for bed.

Could he be anymore handsome (and chunky ;) ?

We've already started wearing the camo, just like daddy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mallows up the canyon

We went up the canyon to enjoy the nice fall weather before it was too late.

We had such a great time the food was great, the company, and the fire, thanks for coming with us Janet & Steve!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grandma & Grandaddy came to visit this summer!!!! We had a blast. This is granddaddy at our float preview, our stakes float did awesome!!
Grandaddy & Ben hangin' out in the camper.

Grandma & Caroline walking home from church.

All of us on Ben's blessing day.

Our last day with grandma & grandaddy :(

We had such a great time together, my girls miss them sooooo much!

Hopefully it won't be another 2 years before we see each other again:)


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My senior high school trip was to Time Square in NY, while there I was able to enjoy the big city and see the beautiful skyline of the tall buildings across the Hudson river. I took a picture of it. On September 11, 2001 the skyline changed. I was helping some family friends pack up their house. The man of the house happened to be in the military and was supposed to be working in the Pentagon that day. We walked in the kitchen and heard the news on the radio. I remember him turning to me and saying "I should've been there today" the Lord was definitely watching over him that day. I truly am proud to be an American and can only think of sadness when I remember all those that lost their lives that day. We celebrate the 4th of July with BBQ's and fireworks along with many other patriotic days and one day 9-11 will probably be the same way. I do know that I will never forget how I felt that day and how greatful I am for the men that fight for our freedom!!!!
I know the 10 year anniversary is coming up, and I hope you will share your thoughts/stories.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A little gift from heaven

Finally he's here!

Benjamin Steven

Proud papa

Two of the happiest big sisters ever!

8 lbs 12 oz

21 3/4 in long


I woke up about 2:30 in the morning feeling contractions, got spencer up about 3:30 to time me. There were about 3 within 10 minutes, but they weren't regular. We called Janet to come over about 4 am. We hurried to the hospital this time knowing how fast Caroline came. When we got there (about 4:20am) the nurses took my name and info, as soon as they saw I had my last baby within 15 min after arriving they were quick to get the delivery room ready for me. I was at 7cm, knowing I had a little while before go time I started pacing the room. After about 30 min of hard contractions it was time. The doctor had been called out to deliver another baby, and finished up just in time for me to start pushing. I had to keep reminding myself I had done this before and I could do it again! With a few hard pushes the little guy was out about 5am, cord around his neck and blue as can be. They let me hold him a few seconds before quickly taking him to clean out his lungs and measure, weigh and check him. His head was still a little blue but he was doing well. The whites of his eyes were pretty bruised, hence the dark eyes. The nurses kept commenting on how big his feet were, he gets that from his dad:) He is absolutely adorable! There is a new excitement in having a little boy. He is home now and we are all completely enjoying him.

He is my sweet little angel!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spencer's 29th Birthday

For Spencer's 29th Birthday the girls made a pinata for their Daddy. We didn't really have a way of hanging it in our house, so the girls kicked it around like a soccer ball until they got all of the candy out :)

The girls also wanted to help make his cake too. Since he likes to fish we decided to make his cake pretty fishy. I got lazy and bought the frosting and some ocean swedish fish. The girls had a great time putting fish all over the cake. How can you go wrong with rainbow chip frosting?

Happy Birthday Babe!

Baby update

Here's me and my very large belly around 35/36 weeks, quite swollen all over I might say!

My husband likes to take pictures of me when I'm looking my best ;-)

What I love about being pregnant:

~feeling those sweet little movements~

~waiting for the big day~

~washing clothes in baby detergent, the smell...sigh~

What I don't love:

~feeling huge~

~sore hips~

~waiting for the big day~

ps. I'm already at 2 1/2 & 70%

I don't think I'll last till the 21st, we'll see

Friday, April 22, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I know, it's been a while... thought I should post a little something.

Our lazy Sunday afternoons. I love when my kids fall asleep on me:)

Caroline & Savannah have been taking Gymnastics since January. They absolutely love it! Who wouldn't love jumping in a pit full of foam or on a trampoline and swinging around like little monkeys on the bars!?!

We took the girls to UofU's final gymnastics meet this year and they loved watching the big girls. Savannah's pretty set on being as good as they are when she's bigger.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Once there was a snowman....

Mmmmm.... fresh snow!


Magical hugs (from Santa Clause 3)

Last Sunday it snowed a lot! It was the first time we've had good packing snow almost all season. Spencer took the girls out for a couple of hours to make this giant snow man which the girls quickly named Frosty. He is currently leaning over in our yard melting away. The girls had a great time outside with playing in the snow with their Daddy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the winner is....................

IT'S A BOY!!!!
The ultrasound looked great, everything accounted for. Even big feet!
The girls were a little shocked and excited about the news
but Savannah's comment was the best,
"Ok, we can have a brother, but next time can it be a girl?"
Now if my husband and I can only agree on names.... hmmmmm.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ice Castles

The girls had a blast walking through all of the "ice castles".

In Rexburg, we called these icicles Man Killers!

My cutie pies, and my Valentine!

Mystical Tunnel. Beautiful.

We had a great time seeing these gorgeous creations.
Thanks Janet & Steve for a fun night out!