We have been crazy busy lately, here are a few things we've been up to.

4-wheelin' at the cabin (don't worry dad, I didn't go faster than 13mph)

Spencer taking the girls out.

A night at our Bishop's cabin, and a day in Midway... awesome!

Mommy had a bad parenting moment, and Caroline got her teeth knocked around.
(No I didn't hit her!!!! and her teeth will be fine, Thanks Brian!)

Halloween, Caroline actually went as a puppy on Halloween night but as
Cinderella for the Ward party.

Daddy's been fishing and caught a sweet 24 inch cutthroat trout. He brought it home along with a smaller rainbow & we smoked them... I don't like fish, but these tasted AMAZING!
We couldn't believe how big this guys mouth was.
So what happened to little Miss Caroline's teeth? I love your daughters' names, by the way. They are so southern! :) Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is so exciting! What day in June are you due?